Sunday, February 27, 2011


Do you think she knows what a camera is yet?



Madeline was asked at daycare what "Love" means to her. Her response is written on the card below.

Hopefully that means she's looking forward to her brother who will be coming along soon. One thing I'm not ready for is a boyfriend already. When Madeline's classmate, Declan, was asked the same question, he answered with the response below.


Animal Sounds


It was few weeks ago that Dallas got more than a dusting of snow. I just found these on my camera, and thought I'd post them during our 70 degree weather.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Snow days mean playing at home in your PJ's long into the afternoon. Madeline had some fun in her tent (in the living room), but that fine hair and some static really make for a fun show.